• 68th Annual CSGA – Gross Results

    Posted on June 10th, 2011 No comments

    Download the Gross Results

  • 68th Annual California Seniors’ Golf Association Championship

    Posted on April 1st, 2011 No comments

    Championship and Handicap Flights
    The Preserve GC and Quail Lodge GC
    June 5–7, 2011


    The California Seniors are noted for “Preserving the best traditions of golf,” which includes a strict observance of all the rules. Local Rules will be available at the tee. Otherwise, USGA Rules of Golf apply. Pace of play is very important in maintaining a good relationship with our host club. Please maintain your place in the field and work to complete play in less than 41⁄2 hours.
    Players will be assigned tees based on handicap index. All players will play modified Stableford.
    Contestants’ handicaps will be calculated using the June 1, 2011 index. The flights will be about the same size. One gross and one net trophy will be awarded in each flight.

    Governors Flight Presidents Flight California Flight
    Pacific Flight Cypress Flight Mission Flight (Handicaps 18.0+)


    ENTRY FEE — $595 This includes green fees, carts and lunch on Monday and Tuesday, the cocktail party on Sunday (including ladies) and the stag Annual Meeting & Awards Dinner on Tuesday evening. Entries are open to the first 100 members from the North and the first 100 members from the South.

    ENTRY CLOSES MAY 20TH Checks must accompany entries to ensure starting time. Entries received after this date will be accepted only if openings are available.

    WITHDRAWAL REFUNDS Full or partial refunds will be determined based upon the commitment made to the clubs for green fees and food. No refunds will be given within 48 hours of the tournament unless approved by the Tournament Committee.

    NON-PLAYING MEMBERS are invited to attend the Sunday cocktail party and the Annual Meeting & Awards Dinner at a cost of $165.00. If you wish to attend, please indicate so on the entry form.


    SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 2011
    ANNUAL COCKTAIL PARTY will be held at Quail Lodge from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. Members and their ladies come greet old friends, start new friendships and get acquainted with our new members.
    PAIRING INFORMATION AND TEE TIMES will be handed out at the Cocktail Party.

    MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2011
    First 18 holes of Championship and Handicap Flights Stroke Play Competition.
    Please go directly to your first day course.

    NEW MEMBER WELCOME RECEPTION at Quail Lodge. If this is your first event,
    come meet your Board of Governors and fellow new members.

    TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 2011
    Final 18 holes of Championship and Handicap Flights Stroke Play Competition.

    ANNUAL MEETING & AWARDS DINNER at Quail Lodge at 6:30 P.M.
    No host bar from 5:30 to 6:30 P.M. This is a STAG event.

    Sport coat and tie are required for all evening social functions. Blue blazer and gray slacks with Association tie and crest are recommended. Appropriate golf attire with collared shirts required on golf courses. Shorts are permitted.
    New members will receive a tie, crest and name tag at registration on Sunday. If you have not received yours in years past, please notify Mary Bakan at mbakan@ncga.org or call (831) 625-4653.

    Boxed lunches will be available at both courses, both days.